Wix Current WHOIS Database

Download the WHOIS database of 2.94 Million active domain names that are currently registered through Wix.com for just $750.

BigDomainData is made up of two primary WHOIS databases (Current WHOIS Database and Historical WHOIS Database). Our Current WHOIS Database contains the latest WHOIS record of active domain names (over 265 Million), that are currently registered. While the Historical WHOIS Database contains WHOIS history (over 1.51 Billion records) of every domain name (over 551 Million) that were ever registered on the Internet. Historical database contains WHOIS of current as well as expired and deleted domain names.

Detailed statistics (Updated: 16 May 2024) of our Wix Current WHOIS Database is listed below.

Wix Current WHOIS Database Total Purchase
Total Unique Domain Names in Wix Current WHOIS Database 2,940,488


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Total WHOIS records in Wix Current WHOIS Database 2,940,488
Total WHOIS records with a Registrant Contact 1,737,477
Total WHOIS records with an Email Address (where the registrant_email field is not empty) 1,737,477
Total WHOIS records with a Phone Number (where the registrant_phone field is not empty) 1,737,477
Top 97 Countries in Wix Current WHOIS Database Total
1Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as United States (Country Code: US)1,142,848
2Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as United Kingdom (Country Code: GB)80,628
3Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as France (Country Code: FR)55,138
4Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Brazil (Country Code: BR)38,775
5Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Japan (Country Code: JP)30,878
6Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as India (Country Code: IN)27,835
7Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Turkey (Country Code: TR)24,484
8Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Germany (Country Code: DE)21,988
9Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Canada (Country Code: CA)20,262
10Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Italy (Country Code: IT)18,212
11Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Spain (Country Code: ES)16,090
12Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Mexico (Country Code: MX)14,757
13Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Australia (Country Code: AU)9,258
14Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Israel (Country Code: IL)8,893
15Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Netherlands (Country Code: NL)8,022
16Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Belgium (Country Code: BE)7,528
17Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Colombia (Country Code: CO)5,789
18Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Austria (Country Code: AT)5,201
19Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Portugal (Country Code: PT)4,989
20Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Korea (Country Code: KR)4,856
21Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Sweden (Country Code: SE)4,764
22Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Poland (Country Code: PL)4,681
23Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Ireland (Country Code: IE)4,326
24Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Thailand (Country Code: TH)3,284
25Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Switzerland (Country Code: CH)3,240
26Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Hong Kong (Country Code: HK)3,037
27Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as South Africa (Country Code: ZA)2,993
28Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Argentina (Country Code: AR)2,992
29Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as United Arab Emirates (Country Code: AE)2,660
30Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Norway (Country Code: NO)2,584
31Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Czech Republic (Country Code: CZ)2,535
32Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Singapore (Country Code: SG)2,512
33Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Finland (Country Code: FI)2,450
34Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Greece (Country Code: GR)2,432
35Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Malaysia (Country Code: MY)2,372
36Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Taiwan (Country Code: TW)2,314
37Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Chile (Country Code: CL)2,211
38Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Denmark (Country Code: DK)2,170
39Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Ukraine (Country Code: UA)2,018
40Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as New Zealand (Country Code: NZ)1,958
41Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Philippines (Country Code: PH)1,825
42Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Saudi Arabia (Country Code: SA)1,763
43Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Romania (Country Code: RO)1,527
44Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Peru (Country Code: PE)1,523
45Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Hungary (Country Code: HU)1,502
46Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Indonesia (Country Code: ID)1,387
47Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Ecuador (Country Code: EC)1,219
48Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Costa Rica (Country Code: CR)1,134
49Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as China (Country Code: CN)1,096
50Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Bulgaria (Country Code: BG)977
51Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Vietnam (Country Code: VN)955
52Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Puerto Rico (Country Code: PR)924
53Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Cyprus (Country Code: CY)894
54Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Croatia (Country Code: HR)831
55Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Jordan (Country Code: JO)809
56Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Guatemala (Country Code: GT)799
57Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Uruguay (Country Code: UY)751
58Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Dominican Republic (Country Code: DO)733
59Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Russian Federation (Country Code: RU)715
60Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Slovenia (Country Code: SI)693
61Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Egypt (Country Code: EG)638
62Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Lithuania (Country Code: LT)630
63Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Slovakia (Country Code: SK)626
64Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Luxembourg (Country Code: LU)606
65Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Panama (Country Code: PA)585
66Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Malta (Country Code: MT)584
67Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Estonia (Country Code: EE)549
68Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Latvia (Country Code: LV)533
69Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Morocco (Country Code: MA)490
70Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Iceland (Country Code: IS)418
71Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Pakistan (Country Code: PK)412
72Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Serbia (Country Code: RS)378
73Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Nigeria (Country Code: NG)372
74Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Kenya (Country Code: KE)371
75Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Honduras (Country Code: HN)302
76Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Kazakstan (Country Code: KZ)292
77Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Ghana (Country Code: GH)276
78Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Qatar (Country Code: QA)250
79Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Kuwait (Country Code: KW)249
80Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Jamaica (Country Code: JM)238
81Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Georgia (Country Code: GE)237
82Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Sri Lanka (Country Code: LK)234
83Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Afghanistan (Country Code: AF)229
84Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Trinidad and Tobago (Country Code: TT)225
85Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Bahamas (Country Code: BS)219
86Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as El Salvador (Country Code: SV)197
87Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Venezuela (Country Code: VE)190
88Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Cote D Ivoire (Country Code: CI)183
89Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Uganda (Country Code: UG)166
90Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Albania (Country Code: AL)154
91Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Senegal (Country Code: SN)151
92Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Oman (Country Code: OM)149
93Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Bolivia (Country Code: BO)148
94Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Mauritius (Country Code: MU)142
95Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Iraq (Country Code: IQ)141
96Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Paraguay (Country Code: PY)135
97Total records in Wix Current Database having registrant country as Macau (Country Code: MO)122
Top 2 Domain Extensions in Wix Current WHOIS Database Total
1Total records in Wix Current Database for .COM domain names (Domain TLD: com)2,795,058
2Total records in Wix Current Database for .NET domain names (Domain TLD: net)145,430
Registration Year Domain Names
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 19941
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 19958
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 199645
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 1997122
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 1998218
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 1999414
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2000566
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2001519
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2002661
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2003712
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2004899
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2005963
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20061,201
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20071,375
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20081,451
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20091,706
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20101,986
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20112,095
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20122,144
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20132,367
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20142,498
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20152,767
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20163,153
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20173,786
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20184,669
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2019132,308
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2020445,614
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2021483,890
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2022584,083
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2023878,148
Total domain names in Wix Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2024380,119

Payment Options

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB and China UnionPay.
Popular payment wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, WeChat Pay & Cash App Pay are accepted.
You can also pay in installments through Buy Now, Pay Later (Affirm, Afterpay, Clearpay, Klarna) services.
For orders worth $1000 and higher, you can also pay through Bank Wire Transfer (ACH, Fedwire and SWIFT).
We also accept crypto payments through Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Binance, Ripple and 100+ Cryptocurrencies.

Reverse WHOIS Lookup

You may test our powerful Reverse WHOIS API using the below form.